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The equipment for the discontinuous or continuous hydrolysis of organic matter according to Fig 1 and Fig 2 consists of the of the receiving trough 1 connected to the crusher 2 to which the measurement tank 16 is connected and further connected to the hydrolyzer 3 interconnected via the shooting pipe 12 to the expander 13 with the connected pipe 4 to discharge waste
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geogrid bottom two layers continuous and top one discontinuous it is varying with and % for the same range of spacing between footings Keywords Interference Relative density Crusher dust Continuous and discontinuous reinforcement BCR B Paikaray & B G Mohapatra KIIT University Bhubaneswar India
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The Application Case Discontinuous Unloading is composed of all defined and modelled Use Cases for the loading process as part of the load and haul cycle typically used in surface mining operations The detailed descriptions and diagrams can be found in Chapter Table 1 contains information regarding the chapter number of each Use Case within the Application Case
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conducted on crusher dust with relative density at loose state condition taking different combination of reinforcement layers of continuous and discontinuous pattern to find their interference effect