phosphogypsum and cement

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Application of lime neutralised phosphogypsum in supersulfated cement

The inevitably incorporation of P 2 O 5 impurity results in the poor quality of phosphogypsum PG which further hinders the utilisation of PG in manufacturing the supersulfated cement SSC an environment friendly and energy saving cement made almost entirely from industrial waste Lime neutralisation provides a sustainable approach to remove

Investigation on phosphogypsum steel slag granulated blast

Singh [3] treated phosphogypsum with aqueous citric acid solution to purify phosphogypsum and improve its quality to make it fit for manufacture of cement and gypsum plaster for the first time Portland cement and portland slag cement produced with purified phosphogypsum were found to have strength properties similar to those produced from

Basic properties of non sintering cement using phosphogypsum and waste

This study aims to manufacture non sintering cement NSC by adding phosphogypsum PG and waste lime WL to granulated blast furnace slag GBFS as sulfate and alkali activators The non sintering cement s basic physical and chemical properties are also investigated by evaluating the compressive strength and the hydrate of NSC

The Coupling Effect of Organosilicon Hydrophobic Agent and Cement

The objective of this paper is to investigate the coupling effect of cement and organosilicon hydrophobic agents on the water resistance of phosphogypsum Different weight ratios of Portland cement were added to adjust the alkalinity of this system and further improve the work efficiency of the organosilicon hydrophobic agents Some macroscopic performances

Resistance of phosphogypsum based supersulfated cement

The use of phosphogypsum in the pavement and concrete industry has proved to be effective [29] Gracioli et al [27] proved that by using phosphogypsum 10 20% no statistical difference was found regarding the compressive strength of an SSC produced with a conventional calcium source

Sulfuric Acid from Phosphogypsum DMCFIPR Process

3 Current established technology for making sulfuric acid H 2 SO 4 and cement clinker by product from phosphogypsum such as the OSW process developed by Chemie Linz Austria is not economic when compared with sulfur has only been applied in a few locations Austria China and South Africa where special circumstances prevail

Effect of Phosphogypsum on the Properties of Portland Cement

Properties of phosphogypsum were evaluated and then the effect of various level phosphogypsum addition 2 5 10 and 15 percent by weight of cement with Portland cement clinker was investigated

Effect of Modified Phosphogypsum on Properties of Cement

Abstract The resource utilization of phosphogypsum PG can reduce the consumption of resources turn waste into valuables turn damage into profit and form a green recycling economy of resources products regenerated resources The article combined with the comprehensive utilization of PG analyzes the existing problems Using lime neutralization to

The mechanical properties of supersulphated cement containing phosphogypsum

The use of phosphogypsum in the making of supersulphated cement SSC and mechanical properties of the SSC pastes were investigated Setting times of SSC pastes were shortened with increasing phosphoanhydrite and Portland cement clinker content The SSC pastes prepared using tap water were cured in both tap water and seawater for up to 90 days

An experimental investigation of partial replacement of cement

Phosphogypsum is a by product of phosphate fertilizer plants and chemical industries As it is contaminated with the impurities that impair the strength development of calcined products it can be used as partial replacement of cement The present paper deals with the experimental investigation on compressive strength characteristics of partially cement replaced

Wetting drying effect on the strength and microstructure of cement

The obtained homogeneous cement phosphogypsum paste was transformed into a container mm in diameter and 80 mm in height The air bubbles were carefully removed by vibrating the container The prepared sample inside the container was cured under standard conditions temperature of 20 ± 2 °C and relative humidity of 95% for 1 d

Mechanical properties and environmental implications of

Recycling waste phosphogypsum PG into phosphogypsum based cold bonded aggregates PCBAs for eco concrete production has received extensive attention due to its sustainability for construction industry development Currently PCBAs mainly replace the coarse aggregates in concrete while the fine aggregates remain natural sand NS

Properties and high temperature resistance of tailing based

In our previous studies MOS cement was prepared by replacing LBM powder with large dosages of PT powder after being calcined In this paper the effects of dihydrate phosphogypsum DPG hemihydrate phosphogypsum HPG and water binder ratio on the setting and high temperature strength evolution of the above PT based MOS cement were

Phosphogypsum tropical soil and cement mixtures for asphalt pavements

Phosphogypsum PG a by product of phosphoric acid is sensitive to the variation in water content Therefore this paper aims to investigate the use of hemihydrate PG HH mixed with a fine lateritic soil S and cement C considering the mechanical and durability characteristics in wet and dry cycles

Simultaneous enhanced phosphorus removal and hydration

Phosphogypsum slag and cement in a consistent proportion were employed for this new cement preparation only with the change in the external PAC/PAFC content from 0% to % With regard to the basic phosphorus removal and physical performance of PESSC the affecting reasons were discussed further in light of the time prolongation including

Soil utilization of solid waste Small strain dynamic

Phosphogypsum PG a solid waste from the wet process phosphoric acid industry but the utilization rate is low at present The effect of phosphogypsum and cement on small strain dynamic characteristics of coastal soft soil was studied by resonance column test and characterize the micro mechanisms of the specimens by SEM and EDS test

Role of Bayer red mud and phosphogypsum in cement

Bayer Red mud BRM and phosphogypsum PG are known as two main industrial wastes around the world Previous studies have demonstrated the contribution of BRM and PG in cement based hydration reactions but their collaborative role is still pending in cement stabilized dredged soil

Optimizing Synergy between Phosphogypsum Disposal and Cement

In this work a novel joint processing route that integrates the disposal of phosphogypsum waste with CO2 emissions reduction in a cement plant was proposed The route mainly includes three parts direct aqueous carbonation of phosphogypsum use of the obtained carbonation product for CO2 capture in the calcium looping process CLP and manufacture of

Phosphogypsum US EPA Environmental Protection

6 Phosphogypsum stacks additionally contain low pH process water and heavy metals as a result of the wet acid fertilizer production process The regulations at 40 CFR 61 Subpart R require phosphogypsum to be managed in stacks to limit public exposure from emissions of radon Stacking was the predominant method of phosphogypsum management before

Role of polyferric sulphate in hydration regulation of phosphogypsum

In this study phosphogypsum slag and cement with a consistent proportion were employed for this new cement preparation only with a change in the external PFS content The basic physical and chemical properties of raw materials were characterised and described in Table 1 and Fig 2 Fresh phosphogypsum was supplied by Yihua Co Ltd and

Phosphogypsum tropical soil and cement mixtures for

The application of cement stabilized phosphogypsum soil CSPS in highway engineering has great economic and social benefits There are few corresponding classification standards for water

Using cemented paste backfill to tackle the phosphogypsum

Phosphogypsum PG a hard to dissipate by product of the phosphorus fertilizer production industry places strain on the biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem functions of storage sites This pervasive problem is already widespread worldwide and requires careful stewardship In this study we review the presence of potentially toxic elements PTEs in PG


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