Excessive and unregulated stacking of iron ore tailing IOT has created numerous environmental issues which has drawn considerable attention to focus on the resource utilization of IOT The present study attempts to investigate the feasibility of IOT as a filler alternative compared to limestone filler from the perspective of asphalt achieve that
The situations characteristics and status of iron ore tailing resources in China are presented The approaches of comprehensive utilization of iron ore tailings have been analyzed It has been proved that the comprehensive utilization of iron ore tailings is efficient socially beneficial and improves environment situation The scopes of comprehensive utilization of iron ore tailings are
Utilization of waste coconut shells in the reduction roasting of overburden from iron ore mines Powder Technol 353 2019 pp 450 458 / View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar
Gangue is complex and refractory iron ore such as fine grained red magnetite iron ore with iron containing silicate embedded siderite limonite and oolitic ore 3 Low grade refractory fluorite ore 4 Efficient separation of complex and refractory tungsten ore Onsite evaluation or supporting materials 1
The consumption of iron ore has increased rapidly over the past decade due to the tremendous growth of iron and steel industry The depletion of high grade iron ore resources make it inevitable to utilize the existing low grade iron ores/fines/tailings with effective beneficiation to meet the present specification and demand Enormous amounts of fines are
In this study a novel technology for the comprehensive utilization of low grade iron ore is presented For the iron ore with a Fe content of % a pilot scale study of pre concentration suspension magnetization roasting grinding and low intensity magnetic separation was conducted and an iron concentrate with a grade of % and a recovery of % was
For pelletization study as received iron oxide pellet fines were ground to below 150 μ using ball mill The particle size distribution of ground iron ore fines was determined by the Malvern particle size analyzer Hydro 2000MU UK and shown in Fig number was measured to determine surface area of the iron oxide pellet fines using air permeability
Utilization of mine waste rocks and tailings in concrete as aggregates will help in sustainable and greener development The literature shows the potential use of iron ore tailings as a
Aiming at the problem of iron ore waste resource utilization and lack of soil for soil reconstruction we proposed the technology of using a large amount of iron tailings to reconstruct reclaimed
Rapidly growing demand for products of the iron and steel industry has led to fast consumption of iron ores [] Currently high grade iron ore reserves are being depleted and the utilization of low grade and refractory iron ore is a suitable way to solve this problem [] In China a large reserve of refractory iron ore lacks appropriate treatments due to its properties such as
Rapid economic development and increased demand for mineral products in China have led to extensive extraction of various ores resulting in significant environmental challenges associated with the generation of industrial solid waste particularly iron tailings Despite being a major mining nation China faces issues of wasteful practices with substantial
Facing the huge demand for iron ore and the increasingly serious environment and economy troubles of waste iron ore year by year the clean and effective utilization of low grade refractory iron ore resources has become an indispensable and remarkable target in iron and steel industry to deal with the problem of iron ore Li et al 2018
The value addition in iron ore mining waste generated from washing or beneficiation plants is a challenging task The present study focuses on utilization of iron ore slimes without beneficiation by blending with high grade fines for making iron ore pellets The pellets were prepared by adding slimes in different weight proportions 0 10
The consumption of iron ore has increased rapidly over the past decade due to the tremendous growth of iron and steel industry The depletion of high grade iron ore resources make it inevitable to utilize the existing low grade iron ores/fines/tailings with effective beneficiation to meet the present specification and demand Enormous amounts of fines are
Abstract Waste magnesia carbon bricks MCB exhibit great potential for being reutilized as MgO additive for iron ore sintering due to their main composition of high activity magnesia and extra carbon content In this paper the combustion characteristics of the carbon component of waste MCB were first studied by thermogravimetric derivative thermogravimetric
In order to comprehensive utilization of iron ore tailings this experimental research was to investigate the possibility of using the residues after iron recovery from iron ore tailings as raw materials for the preparation of cementitious material abbreviated as TSC including analyses of its mechanical properties physical properties and hydration products
Approximately 18 000 ha of land is currently under mining operations in Goa Kumar 2000 The present mining rate of 16 21 million ton of ore with high ore over burden ratio of around 1 3 means that there is a need of removal and disposal of 40 50 million m 3 of waste per year Having exhausted the available area for waste dumps within leasehold area the
Clean recycle and utilization of hazardous iron bearing waste in iron ore sintering process J Hazard Mater 353 2018 pp 381 392 / View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar
The situations characteristics and status of iron ore tailing resources in China are presented The approaches of comprehensive utilization of iron ore tailings have been analyzed It has been proved that the comprehensive utilization of iron ore tailings is efficient socially beneficial and improves environment situation The scopes of comprehensive utilization of iron ore tailings are
Keeping in view the rising demand for iron and steel in India fresh exploration of iron ore resources and thereby generation of mining wastes is on the anvil Iron ore overburden which is generated during selective mining is one of such low grade iron resources which cannot be directly subjected to iron making because of the low iron content
Utilization of Iron Ore Waste in Brick Making For the Construction Industry International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering ISSN 0974 5904 Vol 09 No 02 April 2016 pp 450 455
A serious problem faced by the metal mineral mining industry is the challenge to the sustainable development of resource mining due to the continuous decline of ore geological grade In the case of producing concentrates of the same quality compared with using only high grade raw ore ore blending is a way to slow down the decline of ore geological grade by
The multi channel utilization for solid waste has prompted widespread concern around the world Leng et al 2018a; Shu and Huang 2014; Wang et al 2019 As a substantial component of industrial solid waste iron ore tailing IOT is a by product discharged from the mining industry after the beneficiation process and iron extraction Kumar et al 2006 Zhang
Iron ore tailings IOTs are an important solid waste in the mining industry which can pollute the environment and endanger human health However the disposal and high value added utilization of iron tailings have always been a challenge Notably superconducting high gradient magnetic separation S HGMS technology is a promising technology in mineral