Extraction of ore reserves from pillars in room and pillar mining SA Shchukin 1 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science Volume 523 Subsurface Management Exploration and Mining Technologies
The lower grade necessitated consideration of minimum waste development and high mining efficiencies It was decided to locate a decline in the orebody and room and pillar By December 1986 the open pit was nearly depleted having produced over 800 000 tonnes of ore and approximately eight million tonnes of waste
room and pillar panel RPP blind room and pillar BRP checkerboard room and pillar CRP room and pillar RP a classification used when the specific type of room and pillar mining is unknown Room and pillar basic RPB An early method that did not follow a preset mining plan and therefore resulted in very irregular designs Modified room
Underground Mining Methods and Technology edited by Szwilski and Richards Elsevier Science Publishers Amsterdam 1987 Printed in The Netherlands 393 STABILITY AND OPERATIONAL ASPECTS OF R O AND PILLAR MINING IN OM SEDIMENTARY IRON ORE DEPOSITS WHITTAKER and SMITH Department of
The article describes the experience of backfilling mined out spaces in the north and south ore lentils of the Southern orebody of the Makmal deposit Kyrgyz Republic through gaps in the open pit bottom by using noncommercial dump material The theoretical and technological aspects of safe underground extraction of safety pillar are discussed
Room and pillar mining is a widely used underground mining method characterized by the extraction of ore in a series of rooms while leaving pillars of material to support the overhead rock Tabular flat dipping ore deposits in competent rock are usually mined by room and pillar stoping methods If the ore zone is […]
The ore deposit was assumed in this paper to have a thickness of 3 m 15 ° to 40 ° in increments of 5 ° assuming that the horizontal orebodies can only be feasible to mine by room and
The pillars of ore are left to support the overlying rock but in some mines after mining has reached the deposit s boundary some or all of the HARD ROCK ROOM AND PILLAR MINING BEST PRACTICE INDUSTRY WORKSHOP 233 rig sections with eight rooms operating two shifts per day of ten hours each seven days per week and blasting twice
tivity cost implications profit and mining flexibility and the most suitable layout was chosen Bord and pillar mining was then compared to conven tional mining according to the following financial analysis dilution and flexibility Conclusions could now be drawn to the appropriateness of bord and pillar mining in Vlakpoort and Moddergat
Most autonomous navigation systems used in underground mining vehicles such as load haul dump LHD vehicles and trucks use 2D light detection and ranging LIDAR sensors and 2D representations/maps of the environment In this article we propose the use of 3D LIDARs and existing 3D simultaneous localization and mapping SLAM jointly with 2D
In addition mining pillar shear failure also referred to as slabbing or spalling is a common geological phenomenon that arises when the ore body or surrounding rock strata inclines or tilts [24 37] This inclination induces the development of shear forces within the mining pillar which play a pivotal role in the structural
With the wide application of bolt shotcrete support and various efficient self mining equipment the mining thickness of the room and pillar mining method can exceed 30 m and the loading machine with an 8 m 3 bucket and the 50 ton dump truck have been used In the mining of more valuable deposits some pillars can be replaced by concrete pillars to reduce ore loss
systems but by using the room and pillar mining scheme without any recovery of the pillars The thickness of the deposit enables such a scheme and under this method a number of horizontal and transverse galleries are excavated rooms or entries each of which serves the multiple roles of ore source access opening transport drift and airway
It is shown for the room and pillar mining of ore deposits of alternating thickness that service life of pillars is much dependent on the value of horizontal stresses in the intact massif
The NM which is located in the Yunnan province of China owned and operated by Zijin Mining Group Company Limited founded in 2007 The mine uses the room and pillar mining method to exploit the orebody Each stope is divided into 80 m × 80 m in the mining area The diameter of the considered pillars varies between 4 m and 6 m
ceiling in room and pillar mining Raise A vertical or inclined opening from one level of a mine that is driven toward the level above Ramp Inclined tunnels used to transport ore or machinery Room The open areas left open by blasting in room and pillar mining Skip A self dumping bucket used in a shaft for hoisting ore or rock
It is shown for the room and pillar mining of ore deposits of alternating thickness that service life of pillars is much dependent on the value of horizontal stresses in the intact massif A method is proposed and an effective algorithm is developed for determining the rheological parameters of rocks on the basis of the inverse problem solution by the data on covergence of the roof and
Room and pillar Mining Room and pillar mining is suitable for flat or nearly horizontal tabular deposits If the ore bodies are moderately inclined >30° it is impractical to utilize tired mobile equipment resulting in reduced productivity If the competence of the hanging wall and/or the ore is
Both units now comprise five underground mining areas each with a hoisting shaft while WCM also includes an open cut mine Overall capacity is approximately of run of mine ore Underground Samancor relies mainly on room and pillar mining typically with low angle adits connecting to a horizontal access level
Underground Mining Methods Backgrounder Room and Pillar Ramps inclined tunnels are excavated to connect the surface to the underground ore horizontal tunnels are excavated at different elevations to surround the ore stopes tunnels that have direct access to mining the ore are mined to gain access to the tunnels are excavated by
Small hypothetical lead zinc ore body was used to test the developed model of room and pillar production planning The management of mining company is considering whether to invest capital in mining of ore body Room and pillar mining method was selected as a way of mining the ore body Mineable ore reserves were estimated about 862 245 t
It belongs to under three objects ore body mining In order to meet the demand for steel production the SSFM method is used for this mine according to site specific mining conditions The sizes of the stope are 50 m × 25 m × 100 m and two step mining method for the room and pillar is used