The acid mine drainage water in the Enugu coal mining area contains high iron high magnesium high sulphate high total dissolved solids TDS and low pH The mine water is acidic and thus corrodes mining and plumb equipment Table 1 Summary of Hydrochemistry of Enugu Coal Mines Ezeigbo and Ezeanyim 1993
As Enugu marks 70 years since coal mining began in the region stakeholders have raised serious concerns about the long term environmental and health impacts of the mining activities
Figure 4 Study Area Map of Enugu Coal Mine in Nigeria Figure 5 Enugu Coal Mine Enugu in Nigeria Figure 6 Enugu Ekulu Coal Mine ; ; and Mine Site Remediation Issues 1 Soil Apart from landscape damage the operations of mining
hazards associated with coal mining at the two mined communities Furthermore we investigated the impact of coal mining activities on the pattern of settlement of the local people and the possible benefits of coal mining to Akwuke and Iva communities in Enugu State Nigeria Coal mining is the process of extracting coal minerals from under
A green road meanders down Milliken hill in Enugu Strangely this is one road which has two names Enugu Coal Mines ii the Miner s Amazing Tale In a sense coal provided funds for the
Hydrogeological studies of the Enugu coal mining area were carried out which included hydrogeochemical analyses of water samples These analyses revealed high sulphate and iron content in the acid mine drainage water as well as high total dissolved solids TDS and low pH acidity values The water issues from the Ajali Sandstone formation and the
The Enugu coal mine district covers 270 000 hectares of coal basin which supported the largest amount of commercial mining in the past It has an estimated coal reserves of 49 million tones [9] The present study focused on the environmental impact assessment of Okpara coal mine in the Enugu area
The increase in the number of coal fired power plants with the increase in coal production and its consumption has caused the problem of the treatment of a large amount of coal ash in Indonesia
Mining of coal fossil fuel resources in Enugu resulted in groundwater pollution/depletion and left the mine site with the potentials of air pollution loss of landscape/aesthetic degradation and
hazards associated with coal mining at the two mined communities Furthermore we investigated the impact of coal mining activities on the pattern of settlement of the local people and the possible benefits of coal mining to Akwuke and Iva communities in Enugu State Nigeria Coal mining is the process of extracting coal minerals from under
The Enugu coal mines are bedevilled by acid mine drainage problems In an attempt to dewater the mines acid and iron rich water is discharged into nearby rivers The water resources programmes
enugu coal mine hazards impact of coal mining in enugu China LMZG Machinery coal mining in enugu Grinding Mill China impact of coal mining in enugu HWM Stone Crusher for Sale en
Milhouse Energy Services Ltd a coal mining firm at Awhum Enugu State is to pay the sum of N1billion into the Enugu State Environmental Remediation Trust Fund while also paying a N100 000 tax on
Water sediments and mine dumps samples were collected around the Okpara coal mine in Enugu area of southeastern Nigeria for analysis for physicochemical parameters inorganic ions/salts and
Hydrogeochemical data of Enugu Coal mine groundwater Ezeigbo and Ezeanyim 1993 Geochemical parameter Onyeama mine Okpara mine Iva valley mine Ogbette Coal Preparatory mine pH Colour platinum cobalt true colour Electrical conductivity homs u/cms
A coal mining firm Enugu State Milhouse Energy Services Ltd will pay the sum of N1 billion into the Enugu State Environmental Remediation Trust Fund and N100 000 tax on every truckload of coal
crop samples Manihot esculenta cassava and Colocasia esculenta cocoyam around the disused coal mine area in Ogbete Enugu Nigeria The ve heavy metals studied were Cd Cr Zn Ni and Pb The samples included twenty four crops of which eighteen were collected from three sampling locations farmlands in the disused coal mine area
The formations in the Enugu coal mine area are highly fractured as both jointing and faulting occur Major faults exist was well as criss crossing minor faults slips and grabbers The disturbed nature of the fault zones the uncertainty of the direction and throw of major faults and huge groundwater flows into the mines render coal mining
Abstract The distribution of major geological units static water level data water chemistry data and observations of surface features influenced by groundwater seepage were used to ascertain the nature of groundwater occurrence and flow pattern in the Enugu coal field Nigeria Considerations of the geological units the static groundwater levels and groundwater
Enugu state in south east Nigeria still sits on some of the richest coal deposits in the country almost two decades since the Nigerian Coal Corporation NCC ended mining operations in the state
The map in Figure 1 shows the Ogbete disused coal mine and GRA Enugu in Enugu State study area The sampling areas were located in farmlands around the Ogbete disused coal mine areas The three
owned coal mine at Enugu Nigeria; 51 were injured The miners were fighting for back pay owed to them for a period of casualisation known as rostering later declared illegal and had been sacked following a work to rule They occupied the mine to prevent a repeat of the lock out they had suffered during the 1945 general strike
unleashed a terrible attack and opened gun fire on Enugu coal miners at the Iva Valley Mine one of the two mines then in Enugu in South Eastern Nigeria That brutal massacre claimed at least 21 lives among the striking miners and resulted in the wounding of 51 others 29 of whom were hospitalized for several The massacre thus became the
Arabian Journal of Geosciences ISSN 1866 7511 Volume 4 Combined 1 2 Arab J Geosci 2010 4 199 205 DOI / s12517 010 0173 7 Environmental contamination of trace