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not included in Annex 10 The proposed amendment to Annex 10 is intended to introduce the Galileo Open Service Galileo OS in Annex 10 The Galileo OS uses signals in two frequency bands to provide positioning velocity and timing information to Galileo users on a continuous worldwide basis BDS Initial Proposal 5
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1 Germany s ambassador to Israel on Tuesday condemned calls by Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich to annex the occupied West Bank The demand by Minister Smotrich to apply Israeli
2 In line with decision 1/ paragraph 42 to fulfil national inventory reporting obligations under the Convention Parties to the Paris Agreement submitting annual national inventory reports under the Convention shall use the modalities procedures and guidelines for national inventory reports contained in chapter II of the annex to decision
The Eurocodes Developed in the early to mid 2000s the Eurocodes were meant as a way to unify the building standards for most of Europe Technically the Eurocodes are a collection of 10 major standards EN 1990 through EN 1999 sometimes also referred to as "EC0" through "EC9"
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gestützt auf die Richtlinie 2013/34/EU des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 26 Juni 2013 über den Jahresabschluss den konsolidierten Abschluss und damit verbundene Berichte von Unternehmen bestimmter Rechtsformen und zur Änderung der Richtlinie 2006/43/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinien 78/660/EWG und
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2 ANNEX II ANNEX II PROFESSIONAL CLIENTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS DIRECTIVE Professional client is a client who possesses the experience knowledge and expertise to make its own investment decisions and properly assess the risks that it incurs In order to be considered to be professional client the client must comply with the following criteria
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