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Underground mine planning is an important element for achieving project realization in the current highly competitive scenario This is due to the peculiarities of the underground mines where it
This paper takes its starting point in the fact that many mines have managed to improve its work environment with regards to for example accident occurrence while at the same time having stopped seeing improvements in these areas even in the wake of technology interventions Technology projects in the mining industry continue to make claims on further
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In the mid 1990s Brimstone Mining Inc purchased the historic Mayfl ower Mine in southwest Montana The May fl ower Mine had been a top gold producer in the 1930s The value of gold when Brimstone bought the mine along with the prospect of applying more advanced mining techniques provided the stimulus to reopen the mine
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3 3 INTRODUCTION Mine planning Strength of a building depends on its strength of its foundation Same is true for mining as well As the foundation of all mining activity a mine plan most accurately reflects the real time reality of the geological structure in the ground the process capabilities and the economic unpredictability of demand and commodity
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